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On Tuesday's beginning May 19th
5-26, 6-2, 6-9, 6-16, 6-23
From 630-830 p.m. Pacific time.
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Links to work packets, study videos, study music, and diagram charts.
*You do Not need a Vibrational Sound Table to take these courses.
The Palanque Pyramid Activations
October 8, 2020
|Live Zoom Documentary
A live documentary following Chaz's journey to share ancient knowledge of the pyramids as taught by the Mayan elders. Chaz will be leading a 11-11-2020 ceremonial prayer at the Palenque pyramids for peace, balance, and the rise of love consciousness. Support the cause of prayers for peace.

Time & Location
October 8, 2020
Live Zoom Documentary
About the event
Link to Documentary:
Join us from 6-7pm tonight for the first of this live docuseries.
It's free to join and deeply encouraged to send out your heart waves with us for this world wide prayer for peace and healing. Donations are encouraged and much appreciated as your support will get us there to the magical, sacred land of the Palenque Pyramids.
Located in the jungle of Chiapas, Palenque offers a look at some of the most elaborate pyramids in Mexico. There are several pyramids at Palenque. The largest is the Temple of Inscriptions, a funerary monument to Hanab-Paka that descends 25 meters down into an elaborate tomb that doubles as home to the second-longest known Mayan glyphic text. Three smaller pyramids make up the Temple of the Cross Complex. These are the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Cross, and the Temple of the Foliated Cross. The shape of the cross indicative of a Mesoamerican Motif known as the World Tree. The world tree is similar to the tree of life in that it connects the planes of the Underworld and the heavens with that of the terrestrial world.
The deeper teachings of the pyramids have nearly been lost to history fading into the background of history as ruins buried by the sands of time. The Mayan Elders have retained the wisdom and healing power potential of the Palenque pyramids from their ancestors before them. These powerful ancient structures were meticulously honed magnificent tools to connect the heavens and the earth, built around 7th Century AD, channeling powerful vibrations bringing real healing to the people.
Chaz will take you on a journey to the Palenque Pyramids teaching of the mysteries and ancient traditions as told by the Mayan Elders. This live documentary will unfold in 3 separate parts, the history of the majestic spiritual structures, the teachings from the Mayan Elders, leading to the ceremonial offering to bring peace, harmony and balance to the world. Asking for the help from the universe to help us raise consciousness within our communities, awakening our true power to heal ourselves, our world and our future world for our children to come. Part I will take place Oct. 8, 2020. Part II Nov. 21, 2020 and Part III Dec. 21, 2020.
We are asking for support to make this happen. Purchase your ticket today to reserve your spot watching this profound documentary unfold. Every offering matters. Tickets will unlock different levels of access of the documentary as follows.
$5-$15- The history and teachings from the Mayan Elders about the healing potential of these ancient technologies.
$27-Offers the 1st tier and unlocks the journey and preparation for the 11-11 Temple Prayers for peace, harmony and raise of heart consciousness.
$54-Will include the top 2 tiers as well as the process of the ceremony and the reflections from both our wonderful Shaman Jose and Chaz's personal reflections.
All proceeds go to making this offering happen. Help us bring a powerful gift to the world, harnessing and honoring the true power of the pyramids. With your help we can bring a real sense of understanding to what our ancient ancestors knew through these great connectors of the heavens to the earth.
Blessings Family, Peace and Love.
$5- Tier
A comfortable seat in your own home to witness the live documentary detailing the history and teachings from the Mayan Elders about the healing potential of these ancient technologies. Your support has made this all possible.
$5.00Sale ended$10 Tier
A comfortable seat to witness the live documentary detailing the history and teachings from the Mayan Elders about the healing potential of these ancient technologies.
$10.00Sale ended$15 Tier
A comfortable seat at your own home telling the history and teachings from the Mayan Elders about the true healing potential of these ancient technologies. Your offering has made this possible. Thank you.
$15.00Sale ended$27 Tier
$27- Includes the 1st tier while unlocking the journey and preparation for the 11-11 Temple Prayers for peace, harmony and raise of heart consciousness.
$27.00Sale ended$54 Tier
Includes all other material available in the $5-$27 Tier and adds the bonus material of the process of the ceremony and the reflections from both our wonderful Shaman Jose and Chaz's personal reflections.
$54.00Sale ended